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Top 5 Field hockey skills you need to master

Top 5 Field hockey skills you need to master

Field hockey is a highly demanding sport that requires a wide range of skills, from speed and agility to precision and control. Ready to elevate your hockey aptitude? You must be proficient in a variety of techniques to be successful on the field. In this blog, we will explore the top 5 field hockey skills that every player should master to excel in our fast-paced and dynamic sport. 

With the knowledge of this blog you will become a master of the five most important field hockey techniques! You are at the right place to learn everything you need to know about field hockey skills. Become ready for the next time you step on the pitch!

1. Dribbling & Stickhandling

Dribbling is one of the most important skills in field hockey. It involves using quick and controlled movements to maneuver the ball past defenders and create scoring opportunities. Players must develop good hockey stick skills, quick reflexes, and excellent hand-eye coordination to become effective dribblers. The ability to change direction quickly and evade defenders is essential for successful dribbling. The key to dribbling is to keep the ball close to your stick and use small, quick touches to maintain control.

If you want to level up your dribbling skills and get better hands on the field: improve your stickhandling skills so you can dangle around opponents without effort! For maximal grip: make sure you always place both hands on the handle of your hockey stick!

2. Passing

Passing is a crucial skill in field hockey, as it enables players to move the ball quickly and accurately around the field. Players must be able to deliver both short and long-range passes with precision and speed, and also need to be able to receive passes with ease. 

TIP: Use a RIBBON hockey grip on your stick! This grip will absorb shocks when you hit the ball and reduce vibrations when you stop the ball. You no longer have painful hands! 

Good passing skills require excellent hand-eye coordination, good vision, and the ability to make split-second decisions. Players must also be able to vary the speed and trajectory of their passes to keep the defense off-balance.

3. Shooting

Shooting and scoring goals to win the game is the ultimate objective in field hockey! Hockey players must be able to shoot accurately and with power to score goals. The key to successful shooting is to keep your eyes on the ball, maintain good balance and footwork, and use your entire body to generate power. With a RIBBON sportgrip around your hockey stick you will be able to generate even more power into your shot!

4. Trackling

Tackling is an essential defensive skill in field hockey, it involves dispossessing the opponent of the ball. Players must be able to use their hockey stick to intercept passes, block shots, and make tackles. Timing and positioning are crucial for effective tackling, as players must be able to anticipate the opponent’s movements and react quickly.

Good tackling skills require strength, agility, and excellent hand-eye coordination. Holding your hockey stick in two hands (grabbing it wide on the grip) will increase the chance of conquering the ball!

5. Positioning

Positioning is a vital skill for both offense and defense in field hockey. Players must be able to move into the right position on the field to receive passes, defend against opponents, and create scoring opportunities. Good positioning requires excellent awareness of the game, good communication with teammates, and the ability to read the opposition’s movements. Players must also be able to adjust their position quickly in response to changing game conditions. 

In conclusion, field hockey is a highly demanding sport that requires a wide range of skills, from dribbling and passing to shooting and tackling. Players must also master the art of positioning to be successful on the field.

By developing these top 5 field hockey skills, you can become more effective and versatile, contributing to the success of your team.

Proper equipment is half the battle! Make sure your hockey grip is up to date!


  1. Lieke - Founder @RIBBONSportgrip says:

    Cool to hear Tyler!! These are 100% usefull skills to master 💪🏽💥 I hope you can show them during the game, these skills will defenitely help for you to level up your game! If you need any tips feel free to ask 😇

  2. Tyler Dutoit says:

    Usefull for all hockey players, I play for the Costel Wolfes

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